El Rugir del Marañón.

In the annals of environmental defiance, a resounding call echoes across time. In 2021, "Conservamos por la Naturaleza" unveiled "The Roar of the Marañón," a groundbreaking documentary that unveils the valiant battle waged to safeguard the Marañón River from the encroaching specters of Chadín 2 and Veracruz megadams. This gripping chronicle of courage now transcends boundaries, as the documentary finds its voice in the Awajún language, resonating with the very communities that dwell along the banks of the majestic Marañón.

Emboldened by this symphony of unity, our odyssey unfolds in the year 2023. With fervent purpose, we embark on a transformative pilgrimage, venturing into the heartlands of the Awajún, guardians of ancestral wisdom and stewards of the Marañón's fragile ecosystem. A tapestry of technical prowess unfurls, as we extend a steadfast hand to those communities that yearn to transmute their sacred lands into bastions of conservation.

In this sacred communion, our alliance becomes their armor. We immerse ourselves in the riverside tapestry of life, breathing vitality into the visions of these resilient communities. Guided by the rhythms of tradition and the tenacity of innovation, we offer unwavering support, empowering their dreams to flourish in the face of adversity. Side by side, we sculpt their aspirations, forging a legacy that transcends generations, a testament to the indomitable spirit of human resilience.

With every step, our souls intertwine with the ancestral pulse of the Marañón. We bear witness to the strength of solidarity, as communities unite to protect their lands, their heritage, and the very essence of existence. The echoes of our collective endeavor reverberate through the ages, an enduring testament to the unyielding bond between humanity and the natural world.

Together, hand in hand, we inscribe a story of resilience, reverence, and redemption. Let us etch this profound narrative into the depths of time, an eternal reminder that our actions today mold the destiny of generations to come.

El Rugir del Marañón
El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon El rugir del marañon